"We Lean on Our Hope" - Kol Ami newsletter 7-12-2022
07/12/2022 06:01:06 PM
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Kol Ami Newsletter: July 12, 2022
Worship Event
of the Week
This Friday, July 15, at 6:45 p.m., we gather on the south lawn of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art for informal Shabbat worship and a Shabbat picnic. (Meet near the labyrinth toward the east side of the south lawn, about halfway down.) Everyone is encouraged to bring their own picnic dinner, to make Shabbos together.
Please note: In case of very hot weather, our alternative location will be the home of Fay and Rabbi Doug. We ask everyone to check the rabbi’s Friday announcement for the final decision on the location for Friday evening, and to RSVP by 2 p.m. Friday to rabbidoug@kolamikc.org Yahrzeit This Week July 14 Floyd Cohn, father of Nancy Cohn
We Wish
Mi Shebeirach A Complete Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit to:
Tim Bruning Robert Clinton Jennifer Dake Barb Dalton Dennis Dalton Robert Dalton Renee Dietchman Rev. Kendyl Gibbons Marzena Hanek Pat Rettenmaier Michah ben Sarah Eddie Yeong
If you would like a name to continue to be listed or if you have a new name to include, please send an email to healing@kolamikc.org.
Rabbi's Week in Review
It is good to be back with my Kol Ami family! While much of my time away was spent with wonderful family celebrations — weddings in New York and Chicago for two of our nieces, seeing old college friends as we dedicated a memorial to another dear college friend — plus a little downtime, I missed our time together and sharing life together.
Of course, amidst this important time to celebrate the simchas in our lives (and we all should take time to celebrate joyous occasions), the rest of the world did not stop. ... Click here to read the rest of Rabbi Doug's blog post.
Weekly Feature We’re Back By Wynne Begun
We are back and happy to debut a new look for the newsletter. We hope that you, our readers, can more easily locate the schedule for our events and services, found in the left-hand column. Be sure to mark your calendars for Erev Rosh Hashanah on Sunday, September 25, and Kol Nidre on Tuesday, October 4. In the meantime, we have several Shabbat services scheduled. We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these events. Stay cool and stay well!
This Week's Torah Portion
This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Pinchas (Bamidbar/Numbers 25:10-30:1). It continues a story from last week’s Torah portion, wherein Pinchas effectuates vigilante justice that ultimately ends
a G-d-imposed plague against the Israelites. The Talmud finds fault with Pinchas for imposing his own sense of justice without due process. Ironically, recent Supreme Court decisions have sought to limit due process, or what is known as substantive due process, to take away long-held rights, particularly privacy rights.
Our mailing address is: Congregation Kol Ami 4501 Walnut Street ℅ All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church Kansas City, MO 64111