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Morning Worship and Connection

Join us for morning prayer and connection each weekday (M-F) at 8:00 AM.

Just a short 15 minutes for a little praying, a bit of Torah study, and to stay connected and support each other during this challenging time. Zoom Link:

Schedule & Events

FridayFri, 25 OctOctober, 2024

Simchat Torah/Shabbat

Friday, Oct 25th 6:45p to 7:45pCelebrate Shabbat together at our Kol Ami Erev Shabbat service, with music, a D’var Torah (a word or two of Torah), Sabbath prayers and blessings. Let's make our Shabbat an Oneg - a Shabbat of Joy.


WednesdayWed, 23 OctOctober, 2024

Poor People's Campaign - Field Hearing

Wednesday, Oct 23rd 6:30p to 7:30pOn Wednesday, October 23, 6:30 pm, at Country Club Christian Church-6101 Ward Parkway, the Poor People's Campaign will have a Field Hearing, hearing the stories of people impacted by poverty, and lifting up important issues to consider for the upcoming election. This is important for our work at Congregation Kol Ami in building coalitions of support, and supporting every marginalized community.



Past Events


All Events
  • Saturday ,
    OctOctober  19 , 2024
    Adult Study & Shabbat/Sukkot Service

    Shabbat, Oct 19th 9:30a to 11:30a
    We look forward to gathering at the home of Fay and Rabbi Doug (or on Zoom) tomorrow/Saturday, October 19, 9:30 am for study, prayer, and our Seudah-a festive Shabbat-Sukkot brunch with time in the Sukkah. In our study hour we continue our series on the how, and they why of prayer. For all those joining person please shoot me a quick RSVP at: Click to join Zoom.


  • Saturday ,
    OctOctober  12 , 2024
    Yom Kippur

    Shabbat, Oct 12th 10:30a to 6:15p
    Join us at All Souls for Yom Kippur on Sat. 10/12. Beginning at 10:30am – about 12:45pm Yom Kippur Morning service with guest trumpeter, Stan Kessler followed by: 1-2pm Study with the Rabbi 2:15-3:15pm Meditation service led by Lara Steinel and Julia Billquist 3:30 – about 5:45pm Minchah, Yizkor and Neilah services, all in Bragg about 5:45pm Break the Fast - light refreshments served in the lobby


  • Friday ,
    OctOctober  11 , 2024
    Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre)

    Friday, Oct 11th 7:30p to 9:00p
    Join us at All Souls for Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre) service on Fri. 10/11 at 7:30pm with guest cellist, Matt Beckmann. Guest cantorial soloist, Patrick Buckley, West Hartford, CT, will join music director Karen Engebretson and Kol Ami's musicians for the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services.


  • Friday ,
    OctOctober  4 , 2024
    Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Service

    Friday, Oct 4th 9:30a to 10:30a
    Join us at the Pavilion on the East side of Loose Park for a very informal second day Rosh Hashanah service.


  • Thursday ,
    OctOctober  3 , 2024
    Rosh Hashanah

    Thursday, Oct 3rd 10:30a to 2:00p
    Thurs. 10/3 10:30am Rosh Hashanah in Bragg with guest speaker, Rachel Laser, President and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Kol Ami's bakers, led by Fay Balk, will provide honey cakes for those who attend. A brief Tashlich service will begin approximately 30 minutes after the conclusion of the Rosh Hashanah morning service at Brush Creek in Frank Theis Park on 47th and Oak. Guest cantorial soloist, Patrick Buckley, West Hartford, CT, will join music director Karen Engebretson and Kol Ami's musicians for the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services.


  • Wednesday ,
    OctOctober  2 , 2024
    Erev Rosh Hashanah

    Wednesday, Oct 2nd 7:30p to 9:00p
    Our High Holy Days begin. Join us at All Souls as we celebrate the Jewish New Year together. Weds. 10/2 7:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah in Bragg with guest flutist, Amber Underwood. Guest cantorial soloist, Patrick Buckley, West Hartford, CT, will join music director Karen Engebretson and Kol Ami's musicians for the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services.


  • Friday ,
    SepSeptember  27 , 2024
    Shabbat Blessings

    Friday, Sep 27th 6:45p to 7:00p
    Join us as we "make Shabbos,” reciting blessings together to get our Shabbat started. Candle blessings, Kiddush over wine or grape juice, and Motzi add a sense of the sacred to our Shabbat experience and lives. Join Zoom.


  • Saturday ,
    SepSeptember  21 , 2024
    Meditation, Study, Worship, and Shabbat Brunch

    Shabbat, Sep 21st 9:00a to 11:30a
    We are excited to introduce Mindfulness Meditation into our Shabbat celebration. This Saturday, September 21 beginning at 9 am, we gather at the home of Fay and Rabbi Doug and on Zoom for a session of mindfulness meditation led by Julia Billquist, followed by study at 9:45, prayer at 10:30, completing our celebration with a Seudah, a festive Shabbat brunch. For those attending in person, an RSVP is needed to For the Zoom link, click here.


  • Friday ,
    SepSeptember  13 , 2024
    Shabbat Shulchan

    Friday, Sep 13th 6:00p to 7:00p
    Join us as we gather at All Souls for our Shabbat Shulchan, our Shabbat Table — informal Shabbat worship followed by our Seudah, our festive Shabbat meal. So we know how much food to bring, please RSVP to


  • Saturday ,
    SepSeptember  7 , 2024
    Bar Mitzvah for Elliot Sutkin

    Shabbat, Sep 7th 10:30a to 12:00p
    We celebrate the bar mitzvah of Elliot Sutkin at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, September 7, at All Souls. As Elliot takes his steps into the adult Jewish community at Kol Ami, we want Kol Ami to welcome him.



Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785