A Place to Decompress — Kol Ami Newsletter 10-24-2023
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Kol Ami Newsletter: October 24, 2023
Worship Event of the Week
Shabbat Blessings This Friday, October 27, at 6:45 p.m., we gather on Zoom to make Shabbos together with Shabbat blessings and a bit of Torah. This is a great opportunity to engage in and be comfortable with the rituals for ushering in the Sabbath, and to gather together — to be in community before enjoying our Shabbat meals at home. For the Zoom link, click here.
Upcoming Kol Ami Event
Erev Shabbat Service At All Souls Friday, November 3, starting at 6:45 p.m.
Bring Your Paper Bags Bring your gently used paper grocery bags with you when you come to All Souls. We donate them to Migrant Farmworkers Assistance Fund for food distribution to farmworkers and their families. Thank you!
Yahrzeit This Week October 28 Dorothy Horine – mother of Michael Horine
We Wish Mi Shebeirach A Complete Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit to:
Robert Clinton John Cottrell Kenneth Dantzler Beth Greenwald Josh Greenwald Kay Grossman Brian Guthrie Butch Murphy Michah ben Sarah Paul Scholz Gerry Trilling
If you would like a name to continue to be listed or if you have a new name to include, please send an email to healing@kolamikc.org.
Rabbi's Week in Review
In our response to the horrific terrorism inflicted by Hamas against Jews in southern Israel, our ongoing concern for the hostages and innocent Israelis and Palestinians has not changed much since last week. The need to express feelings and the struggle in how to respond to these events remain.
This Week's Torah Portion Parashat Lech-Lecha (Bereishit/Genesis 12:1-17:27)
We read this week about the rescue of Avraham’s nephew Lot from captivity. In the second blessing of our Amidah prayer, we bless G-d as one who does many things for us; including rescuing the captives. This is considered a heightened mitzvah/commandment.
Certainly in this moment, we think about our Jewish captives held by Hamas. We also think about the marginalized here in our country who have been targeted and unjustly held as captives in our prisons.
Social Justice Events
Photo Exhibit and Programs "Focus on Abortion" A special photojournalism exhibit entitled “Focus on Abortion” is on display at All Souls November 5-12. Through photography and accompanying narratives, this exhibit tells stories of those who have experienced abortion and challenges to their reproductive rights.
Special programs in conjunction with the exhibit include those listed below. To register for any of these events, click here. Also, Rabbi Doug Alpert and the Rev. Holly McKissick are presenters at a program on Wednesday, November 8, for faith leaders in the community.
• Sunday, November 5, 9:30-10:30 a.m. — as part of All Souls’ Forum, Brian Silva, vice president of Outreach and Education for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, is the featured speaker on the connection between abortion rights and the attack on those rights by white Christian nationalists. • Sunday, November 5, 4-6 p.m. — opening reception for the “Focus on Abortion” exhibit, at All Souls. • Monday, November 6, 9:30-11:30 a.m. — workshop session on “Having More Effective Conversations About Abortion.” • Wednesday, November 8, 5:30–7:30 p.m. — workshop session on “Having More Effective Conversations About Abortion.”
Our mailing address is: Congregation Kol Ami 4501 Walnut Street ℅ All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church Kansas City, MO 64111