Beset By Uncertainty — Kol Ami Newsletter 11-7-2023
11/07/2023 06:01:04 PM
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Kol Ami Newsletter: November 7, 2023
Worship Event of the Week
Study, Service and Seudah We look forward
this Saturday, November 11, beginning at 9:30 a.m., to making Shabbos together with study and wonderful discussion, spiritual worship and a Seudah — a festive Shabbat brunch. We meet in person at Fay and Rabbi Doug’s and via Zoom. For those attending in person, you must RSVP to For the Zoom link, click here.
Social Justice News
MLK School Partnership We have recently been in touch with our MLK School partners. There is a great need for coats, hats and gloves. We will be collecting these items at theNovember 17 Shabbat Shulchan serviceonly, at All Souls. Thank you. — Pat Clinton and Sheryl Kretchmer Yahrzeits This Week November 13 Lois Steinel – mother of Dan Steinel November 21 John Jeremias Stein – uncle of Lara Steinel
We Wish Mi Shebeirach A Complete Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit to:
Robert Clinton John Cottrell Kenneth Dantzler Dana A. Fuller Amanda Goldstein Beth Greenwald Josh Greenwald Kay Grossman Brian Guthrie Butch Murphy Michah ben Sarah Paul Scholz Gerry Trilling
If you would like a name to continue to be listed or if you have a new name to include, please send an email to
Rabbi's Week in Review
I have been inundated (or maybe I have continued to be inundated) with requests to sign on to statements and/or letters to elected officials advocating with certainty to a particular position regarding the present horrific conflict between Israel and Palestine. The only thing about which I have certainty right now is my uncertainty. At this point, I have merely tried to maintain, above all, a sense of compassion and humanity for those who ... Click here to read the rest of Rabbi Doug's blog post.
This Week's Torah Portion Parashat Chaye Sarah (Bereishit/Genesis 23:1-25:18)
“Chaye Sarah” — the life of Sarah — begins by announcing her death. In the way we honor memory in our burial and mourning practices, in a sense we sustain the lives of those we love by recognizing the lasting impact their lives have on us as family and on our communities.
Weekly Feature
Finding Comfort at a Troubled Time By Wynne Begun
I am upset and nervous about the state of war occurring all over the world. The wars in Israel and Gaza and between Ukraine and Russia are uppermost in my mind. Add to that the political upheaval in Washington, our new Speaker of the House — a far-right Christian nationalist — and all the other ugliness swirling around. I know that I am not the only one who feels unsettled, anxious and somewhat adrift.
At a recent bridge tournament, which happened to be held at the Jewish Community Center, a man I hardly knew asked me totally out of context if I was a Jew. Of course I said I was Jewish, and we began playing our hand. That was the end of that, but it was disconcerting.
How do we find some level of comfort in this troubled time? I am lighting Shabbat candles. I am practicing gratitude for the things that are going well in my life. I am using my fireplace and candles to bring some warmth into my home as it gets colder outside. I am spending more time with my family. And perhaps the most extreme thing that I am doing is learning Spanish, in case I need to run to Mexico! "The Nosher " (see note below) just ran an article about Jewish women baking challah together. Would anybody want to do that? Email, and we can try it.
I am sure each of us has our own personal soothing strategies. Whatever we can do for ourselves now is certainly the time to do it. It seems like a very impossible prayer, but may there be peace and safety for all the innocents in the very near future.
Note:“The Power of Baking Challah Together in Hard Times: This small act is a symbol of Jewish hope” by Joanna Nissim, October 16, 2023,
Our mailing address is: Congregation Kol Ami 4501 Walnut Street ℅ All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church Kansas City, MO 64111