Worship Event of the Week
Shabbat Shulchan Beginning at 6 p.m. this Friday, March 8, at All Souls, join us for Shabbat Shulchan, an informal Erev Shabbat service followed by a Seudah, a festive Shabbat dinner.
So we know how much food to have available, you need to RSVP your attendance to rabbidoug@kolamikc.org.
And Bring Your Paper Bags When you come to All Souls, bring along your gently used paper grocery sacks. We donate them to Migrant Farmworkers Assistance Fund for food distribution to farmworkers and their families. Thank you!
Kol Ami News
Bring Joy (Oneg) to Our First-Friday Shabbat Services Todah rabah to Haley Ferguson and Miranda Klinck for providing a lovely Oneg Shabbat for our Friday, March 1, service.
Thanks also to Jon Scheinman and Anita Grow, who will provide our April oneg treats.
We invite other mensches to volunteer to bring simple vegetarian treats (veggies, hummus, pita, crackers and cheeses, cakes, cookies, nuts, fruits, etc.) to share with Shabbat-service attendees following the first Friday-night service of the month. Kol Ami provides the challah and grape juice.
When you pick a month, we also know we'll have the pleasure of your company for Shabbat worship and post-service schmoozing. Please respond to worship@kolamikc.org to get on the Oneg Shabbat calendar. — Lara Steinel
Membership Interested in membership at Kol Ami? Email membership@ kolamikc.org.
We Wish Mi Shebeirach A complete healing of mind, body and spirit:
Karen Chisholm Robert Clinton Kenneth Dantzler Harriet Greenwald Michelle Hills Karla Jacobs Katie Nottingham Harolyn Richberg Michah ben Sarah Louise Swartz
If you would like a name to continue to be listed or if you have a new name to include, please send an email to healing@kolamikc.org.
Rabbi's Week in Review
This past Shabbat morning, a group of us Kol Ami-nicks got up at the crack of dawn and headed to our state capital of Jefferson City. We celebrated Shabbat together and then, as Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel z”l said, we prayed with our feet. As part of a kickoff event for the Poor People’s Campaign, we held a rally in the rotunda of the Capitol.
This was a kickoff to an effort of the next weeks and months to register ... Click here to read the rest of Rabbi Doug's blog post.
This Week's Torah Portion Parashat Vayakhel (Shemot/Exodus 35:1-38:20)
This week’s narrative continues the construction of the Mishkan, the Holy Tabernacle. Two artisans, Bezalel and Oholiab, are given the responsibility for supervising the project. We come to understand the value of Hiddur Mitzvah, of imbuing our religious symbols with beauty to enhance meaning and intention in their use. We come to appreciate the value of art in communicating spiritual meaning, communicating greater awareness of when we falter in upholding our most important ethical values, and of connecting us to our humanity.
Social Justice News
Kol Ami Goes to Jefferson City Photos by Brad Ordo, Rod Perlmutter and Fay Balk
Kol Ami took part in the Poor People's Campaign rally in Jefferson City, Mo., Saturday, March 2, joining rallies in 30-plus other states. (See photos below.) The march and rally kicked off an effort to register 15 million poor people to vote. Rabbi Doug and others from Kol Ami (see Rabbi's Week in Review) "prayed with their feet" at the event.
Walking to the Capitol.
The Rev. Dr. Rodney E. Williams, Rabbi Doug Alpert and the Rev. Mindy Fugarino join others in the Capitol.
Rallying inside the Capitol.
Kol Ami represents.