Worship Event of the Week
Shabbat Blessings Join us on Zoom at 6:45 p.m. Friday, March 29, as we make Shabbos together with Shabbat blessings and a bit of Torah. This is always a great way to connect with one another, gain greater familiarity with Shabbat rituals, and still have Shabbat dinner in our own homes. For the Zoom link, click here.
Upcoming Holiday Event
Passover Seder Kol Ami is conducting a second-night Passover seder at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, at Guadalupe Centers. (Doors open at 5:30 p.m.). Cost is $25. More details and reservation information to come in next week’s newsletter.
Kol Ami News
Bring Joy (Oneg) to Our First-Friday Shabbat Services We invite volunteers to bring simple vegetarian treats to share following the first Friday-night service of the month. (Kol Ami provides challah and grape juice.)
When you pick a month, we also know we’ll have the pleasure of your company for Shabbat worship and post-service schmoozing. Please respond to worship@kolamikc.org to get on the Oneg Shabbat calendar. — Kol Ami Worship Committee
Yahrzeits This Week
March 27 Beulah Rachlin – mother of Lara Steinel
March 30 Dorothy Solomon – mother of Roberta Solomon
April 2 Fran Weinstein Weisman – grandmother of Ellen Karp
We Wish Mi Shebeirach A complete ealing of mind, body and spirit to:
Karen Chisholm Robert Clinton Harriet Greenwald Karla Jacobs Shayndal Chana bat Bayla Riva Robert Allen Slater Louise Swartz
If you would like a name to continue to be listed or if you have a new name to include, please send an email to healing@kolamikc.org. |
Upcoming Kol Ami Event Reserve your spot before April 3 — click here. Have questions? Email Brad Ordo at kehilahvp@kolamikc.org.
Rabbi's Week in Review
In the past week, there have been a number of articles showing up regarding both the state of Judaism and the state of our world. It is the changing nature of both that caught my attention.
As to Judaism, it is the suggestion by Noah Feldman that Judaism, particularly with younger Jews, is leaning away from the nationalism represented by our attachment to Israel and toward a more personalized, spiritual attachment to ... Click here to read the rest of Rabbi Doug's blog post.
This Week's Torah Portion Parashat Tzav (Vayikra/Leviticus 6:1-8:36)
We continue from last week’s Torah portion with a further description of the sacrificial cult. Of particular interest is the “zevach shelamim,” the sacrifice of well-being or peace.
In Midrash, it says that in Messianic times, when all other sacrifice/prayer is unnecessary, we will still need to provide prayers of gratitude. The zevach shelamim is for everyone; each individual can bring this voluntary offering, and while one-third is for a sacrifice, the other two-thirds are split evenly between the priest and the people making the offering to eat. Even amid the times of the sacrificial cult, we had an awareness of how we, with gratitude, see eating as imbued with the sacred.
Community Event
AIDS Walk KC By Julia Patterson, director of engagement
Kol Ami and Ga’avah again team up for AIDS Walk Kansas City the morning of Saturday, April 27. Don’t want to walk but wish to donate to the Kol Ami/Ga’avah team? Click here.
To walk as part of the Kol Ami/Ga’avah team, register as a team member. Click here. • Step 1 - Register under your name and personal information. • Step 2 - Click on "Join Team" and type in "Ga'avah KC & Kol Ami KC" • Step 3 - Set your fundraising goal, etc. • Step 4 - Summary, optional donation opportunity, and complete registration. More details are to come regarding plans for the morning of the walk. If you have any questions, please email Julia at engagement@kolamikc.org.