Worship Event of the Week
Shabbat Blessings We will be on Zoom this Friday, August 30, at 6:45 p.m., to make Shabbos together with Shabbat blessings. It’s always a great way to come together as a community while celebrating Shabbat at our own homes. For the Zoom link, click here.
Upcoming Worship Events We have two special events in early September.
Erev Shabbat with Special Guests We're holding an Erev Shabbat service and Oneg at All Souls Friday, September 6, at 6:45 p.m. while welcoming this year’s conversion class. As the class makes the rounds to the various synagogues, we want to do all we can to make them know that they are always welcome at Kol Ami.
Bar Mitzvah We celebrate the bar mitzvah of Elliot Sutkin at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, September 7, at All Souls. As Elliot takes his steps into the adult Jewish community at Kol Ami, we want Kol Ami to welcome him.
Please join us for both of these important Kol Ami community events.
Yahrzeits This Week
August 30 Suzanne Mark – mother of Janet Mark
Sara Reissig – niece of Rick and Marion Breinin
We Wish Mi Shebeirach A complete healing of mind, body and spirit:
Sondra Levy Atherly Robert Clinton Kenneth Dantzler Alan Dietchman Renée Dietchman Megan Garrison Harriet Greenwald Carrie Hollister Karla Jacobs Rabbi Sally Priesand Jean Shifrin Melvin Michael Slater
If you would like a name to continue to be listed or if you have a new name to include, please send an email to healing@kolamikc.org. |
Rabbi's Week in Review
Last Friday night, we had a wonderful turnout for our Shabbat service and our Seudah, our festive Shabbat picnic. I am always grateful for the culture of our Kol Ami community — the way you all come together and just seem to enjoy each other’s company. Ever since the Covid pandemic lockdown became, for lack of a better word, unlocked, there was an urging in the community to find more opportunities to connect with one another. It was a ... Click here to read the rest of Rabbi Doug's blog post.
This Week's Torah Portion Parashat Re’eh (Devarim/Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17)
We read this week about what it means to be an Am Segulah, a treasured people. Martin Buber saw it as not a reward but rather a challenge and an obligation. We are obligated to work toward a time when justice, truth and compassion shall prevail.
Kol Ami Event This Week
Community Coffee Kol Ami is hosting a coffee get-together at 10 a.m. Thursday, August 29, at Crows Coffee South Plaza (304 E. 51st St., Kansas City, Mo.). Come chat, work or simply enjoy a cup of coffee with us!
Community Event
The Threat of Christian Nationalism See a free screening of the documentary film Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy at 4 p.m. Sunday, September 8, at Trinity United Methodist Church (620 E. Armour Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.). Following the film are a panel discussion and a Q&A featuring Americans United president and CEO Rachel Laser. Space is limited; RSVP by clicking here. Upcoming Kol Ami Events
PJ Library PJ Library (an organization that provides the gift of free Jewish children's books delivered right to your doorstep) will be joining us at Shabbat Shulchan at All Souls on Friday, September 13. Watch for more details and please plan to join!
Mah Jongg
Kol Ami's Mah Jongg Club meets two Monday evenings a month. Want to play? Email office@kolamikc.org.
Kol Ami News
Voter Registration Opportunities We’re hoping to have a few voter-registration opportunities in September and early October, so keep your eyes peeled for more news and updates. Questions? Email Julia Patterson at engagement@kolamikc.org.