"A Sheltering Presence" — Kol Ami Newsletter 10-22-2024
10/22/2024 06:05:09 PM
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Kol Ami Newsletter: October 22, 2024
Worship Events of the Week Simchat Torah At 6:45 p.m. this coming Friday, October 25, at All Souls, we complete our annual reading of Torah with a Simchat Torah celebration, followed by our celebration of Shabbat. Please join us for this joyous time on the Jewish calendar.
Street Closure Reminder KC Streetcar Constructors has closed a portion of 45th Street east of Main for a few weeks. Drivers can use Warwick Boulevard and/or 44th Street.
Kids' Stuff Starting this Friday, October 25, there will be a basket of kid-friendly activities at All Souls including PJ Library books, coloring pages and more.
Yahrzeits This Week
October 26 Milton Mark – father of Janet Mark October 28 Dorothy Horine – mother of Michael Horine
We Wish Mi Shebeirach A complete healing of mind, body and spirit:
Robert Clinton Kenneth Dantzler Alan Dietchman Renée Dietchman Megan Garrison Harriet Greenwald Yale Krugman Steve Sackin Jean Shifrin Melvin Michael Slater
If you would like a name to continue to be listed or if you have a new name to include, please send an email to healing@kolamikc.org.
Rabbi's Week in Review
I know it sounds cliche, but it really is hard to believe that as I write this, we have made our way through the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, and now are midway through Sukkot. I have to admit that I have approached this time with a bit of fear — fear as to the possible outcome of the coming election and fear for the future of Israel-Palestine.
This Week's Torah Portion Parashat Bereishit (Bereishit/Genesis 1:1-6:8)
We begin our reading and learning of our Written Torah this week with Parashat Bereishit. The Parashah begins with two versions of the creation story and takes us through Cain and Abel up to Noah. We look for new discoveries in Torah with each new year, and that in creating the world, we are not passive bystanders. We are partners with our Creator, and creation is an ongoing story unfolding with each passing day.
Social Justice Event This Week
The Poor People’s Campaign — Field Hearing The Poor People's Campaign of Missouri holds a Field Hearing at Country Club Christian Church (6101 Ward Parkway, in Kansas City, Mo.), at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 23. A Field Hearing provides opportunities to hear from those most affected by policies that keep too many Americans in poverty. The issues they address are those we as Jews should be considering as we go to vote. Please join us for this important event.
Upcoming Kol Ami Event
November Community Coffee Save the date of Tuesday, November 19, for our next community coffee. We meet at Broadway Café (4106 Broadway Blvd.) at 10 a.m. Come visit or work in good company. All are welcome, so bring a friend! Please RSVP to engagement@kolamikc.org.
Our mailing address is: Congregation Kol Ami 4501 Walnut Street ℅ All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church Kansas City, MO 64111